Kickoff Oct 29-30 J.P. Morgan

JP Morgan“The Men Who Built America”

Episode 5 – J.P. Morgan (“A New Rival Emerges”)

After we finish this episode, copy/paste these questions to a new blog post. As always, please bold your answers.

1.  Who did Carnegie blame for the problems with his workers and his chairman, Henry Frick?

2.  In what business did J.P. Morgan make his fortune?

3.  What action did Carnegie take when he became fearful J.P. Morgan would try to take control of Carnegie Steel?

4. Describe J.P. Morgan’s relationship with his father.

5.  What idea did J.P. find that he thought would make him as rich as Rockefeller and Carnegie?

6.  How did J.P. Morgan demonstrate his new investment?

7.  The elite all wanted electrified homes – except Rockefeller.  Why did Rockefeller fear electricity?

8.  J.P. Morgan went to visit Edison because the noise of the generator was bothering his wife.  As the conversation progressed, what did Morgan decide to do?

9.  How did Rockefeller respond to the loss of his customers to electricity?

10.  Nikola Tesla wanted the higher voltage alternating current (A.C.) to be the standard.  Why was Edison unwilling to listen to Tesla’s ideas?

11.  Who finally invested in Tesla’s idea?

12.  J.P. Morgan’s investment was at risk.  He told Edison to do anything to stop alternating current.  How did Edison try to take down Tesla?

Include a relevant photo, spellcheck and proofread.   

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Kickoff Oct 25-28

homestead steel workersThis is a creative writing assignment, so there are no right or wrong answers.  

Scenario:  You are the leader of the labor union at the Carnegie Steel plant in Homestead, PA.   You are demanding better pay, shorter hours and safer working conditions from the plant’s manager, Henry Frick.    You have heard rumors that Frick plans to bring in the Pinkertons to break the strike and bring in replacement workers.

You will write a letter to Andrew Carnegie on behalf of the workers.  You should describe, in detail, what changes you want made at the factory and why they are necessary.   You should also describe your displeasure with Frick and your fear of the Pinkertons.   What would you say?

150+ words.   Category = “kickoff”.  Add a relevant photo, spellcheck, publish and proofread.

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Kickoff Oct 23-24 “Blood is Spilled”

Henry_Clay_Frick“The Men Who Built America”

Episode 4 – Henry Frick (“Blood is Spilled”)

While you watch today’s episode “Blood is Spilled”, you will answer these questions while you watch.

<copy/paste these questions to a new blog post>  As always, please bold your answers.

1. Why did the people of Johnstown, PA fail to evacuate when given a warning that it was going to break?

2.  Describe the damage caused by the Johnstown Flood.

3.  How was Andrew Carnegie’s response to the flood different from other members of the South Fork club?

4.  What is still the most famous building that Carnegie built?

5.  Carnegie built the Homestead Steel Mill to surpass Rockefeller as the world’s richest man.  What did he do at the mill to maximize profits?

6.  How did Carnegie try to protect his public image while carrying out the actions in #5?

7.  What poor working conditions were faced by the men working in the Homestead mill?

8.  What action did Henry Frick take to move first at the workers?

9. Who were the Pinkerton Detectives?

10. What happened at the barricade when the striking workers faced the Pinkertons?

11.  Did the governor of Pennsylvania side with the workers or with Frick & Carnegie?

12.  How did the public view the events at Homestead?

13.  What happened to Henry Frick after the violence at Homestead?

Include a relevant photo, spellcheck and proofread.   *This post should be completed in today’s class (except 1st period).   After you finish your post, please work on NEW book 3.2 and 3.3


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Kickoff Oct 18-22: Carnegie

andrew carnegie young“The Men Who Built America”

Episode 3 – Andrew Carnegie

In today’s class, you’ll watch the third episode of “The Men Who Built America”.   This episode focuses on the Carnegie Steel company and his later philanthropy.

Carnegie’s familiy immigrated to Pittsburgh when he was a boy.  He started his first job at $1 a week.  He was a quick learner and was impressive to his employers.  During his life, through a combination of hard work and knowing the right people, he turned a $500 loan into a net worth of $50 billion during his lifetime.

While you watch the episode, you’ll take notes (on paper) of information that catches your attention or you find interesting.  After the episode is over, you’ll transfer your notes to a new blog post.

Category = your choice / 150+ words / Spellcheck, publish and proofread

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Kickoff Oct 15-16: Rockefeller


“The Men Who Built America”

Episode 2 – John Rockefeller

In today’s class, you’ll watch the second episode of “The Men Who Built America”.   This episode focuses on the business tactics of John Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company.

Rockefeller is still considered “the wealthiest American ever”.  See this graphic for more info (New York Times, 2007).

While you watch the episode, you’ll take notes (on paper) of information that catches your attention or you find interesting.  After the episode is over, you’ll transfer your notes to a new blog post.

Category = your choice / 150+ words / Spellcheck, publish and proofread

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Kickoff Oct 14-15: Vanderbilt


“The Men Who Built America”

Episode 1 – Cornelius Vanderbilt

In today’s class, you’ll watch the first episode of “The Men Who Built America”.   This episode focuses on the life and industries of Cornelius Vanderbilt.

While you watch the episode, you’ll take notes (on paper) of information that catches your attention or you find interesting.  After the episode is over, you’ll transfer your notes to a new blog post.

Category = your choice / 150+ words / Spellcheck, publish and proofread

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USH kickoff Oct 9-10

Today’s kickoff is your checklist of work.

Sign into and make sure you have all 5 assignments that are on the checklist.  If you’re missing anything, get those notes from a member of your group.

Next, check your blog posts for Sept 23 through Oct 8.   Make sure each has the required word count, a photo (aligned left or right), a category and has been spellchecked/proofread.

When you have verified that all is done and you’re ready to be graded, let me know.  We’ll meet one-on-one and go over your work.

There are three new short assignments to work on in class:

a21 – Chap 6.3 OLD book – click here to start

a22 – the Civil War map quiz – click here to start

a23 – Chap 3.1 NEW book – click here to start (if you don’t finish this in class, it is homework

The first quarter ends next Friday, October 18.

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USH Kickoff Oct 7-8

Write a 100 word blog post about one of the topics covered in the section of the OLD book that your group has been assigned.

When quoting from the textbook, use quotations and a page number.

You must use at least one internet source about the topic you chose.  Include a quote from that online source.  Make sure you include the link to that the specific webpage you cited.

100+ words.  Add a relevant photo.  Spellcheck, publish and proofread.

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Save your money. STOP at red lights.

Recently, I received a red light camera ticket in the mail.   I couldn’t believe I had done anything wrong and was very confident in my innocence.  I assumed there must have been an error with the camera and/or equipment.    I was confident I could request a hearing and win my case.

Then I saw the video.  I will be mailing in my $158 dollars soon and have learned my lesson.  May this lesson be shared with you.   Come to a complete stop, every time.

I’m the car that drives into the right turn lane (too fast) and then doesn’t come to a complete stop:


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USH Kickoff Oct 3-4

The Americans 1In our last class, your new group was assigned a section of the OLD book.   For today’s kickoff you’ll return to that section and answer two questions.

Copy/paste your two questions to a new blog post.  As always, please bold your answers.  Work as a team. When you finish, get ready to present the work your group did in the last class.

Word count = 100 total /  Category = “kickoffs”  /  Include a relevant photo for your section. 

4.2 The Civil War Begins

1.  What were the military strategies of the North and the South at the onset of the Civil War?   2.  What role did African-Americans and women play in the Civil War?

4.3 The North Takes Charge

1. Which Northern tactic helped destroy morale in the South after the defeats at Gettysburg and Vicksburg?   2. What effect did the war have on the economies of the North and the South?

4.4 Reconstruction and Its Effects

1.  Why did the Radical Republicans want to impeach Andrew Johnson?  2.  In what ways did emancipated (freed) slaves exercise their freedom?   3.  How did Southern Whites regain political power during Reconstruction?

5.1  Cultures Clash on the Prairies

1.  Identify three differences between the culture of the Native Americans and the culture of the white settlers on the Great Plains.  2.  How effective was the Dawes Act in promoting the assimiliation of Native Americans into white culture?

6.1  The Expansion of Industry

1. How did the growth of the steel industry influence the development of other industries?   2. How did inventions and developments in the late 1800s change the way people worked?


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